Mustangs FC

ABC | Season 1-3

Mighty Mustangs Football Club team captain Marnie Masters knows that as the first girls team at the club they’ve got a lot to prove, and if they are going to have any chance at winning they’d better learn to play together. A show for anyone who’s sick of cheering from the sidelines.
On ABC Me now. BBC mid 2020


Drama | 13 x 30 mins


Debbie Lee

Amanda Isdale

Jan Stradling

Libbie Doherty


Amanda Higgs

Rachel Davis  


Sarah Freeman


Kirsty Fisher

Magda Wozniak

Alix Beane

Rae Earl

Michael Miller

Shanti Gudgeon

Warren Clarke

Jonathan Gavin

Marisa Nathar


Corrie Chen

Roger Hodgman

Ana Kokkinos

Fiona Banks

Tori Garrett

Jess Harris

Beck Cole

Amie Batalibasi